Students should aim to arrive at school by 8:30 am.
Students arriving after the 8:40 am siren are required to fill in a ‘Late Entry’ form at the office and hand it to their class teacher.
Talking With My School
Parents often have to speak with their child’s school to solve problems or seek advice.
There are procedures in place to enable your contact with the school to be addressed in the quickest and best possible way.
Please take the time to read the pamphlet below that outlines these procedures: Talking With My School Factsheet
Application for Enrolment
Download: Application for Enrolment
School Contributions and Charges
Download: School Contributions and Charges
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesday mornings, 8:30am – 9:00am during school term.
Download Uniform Price List
Uniform Shop Online Orders
Uniforms can now be purchased online and delivered to your child’s class. Orders can be placed by heading to . Please see below link for more information.
Online Uniform Shop
School Parking
Parents are not permitted to park on the school grounds when dropping students off in the morning or picking them up in the afternoon.
There are parking bays along Littorina Avenue, a public car park on Eddystone Avenue near the corner of Ocean Reef Road and the ‘Kiss and Ride’ area on Eddystone Avenue.
Please note: There is no parking in the ‘Kiss and Drive’ area and drivers must stay with their vehicle.